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Welcome to Jackford 

Jack Russell Terriers.

We are proud registered Breeders of

Rough Coat Jack Russell Terriers.

I started breeding German Shepherds when I was in my 20's then Cattle Dogs and now the smaller dog seems to be a much better option.

We were lucky enough to come accross a Beautiful Jack Russell female pup in 2015 (BINDI) and did agility with her, which she absolutely loved and so did I. She did so well and I so loved her personality so much that i wanted another one and to breed her beautiful bloodline.

There doesnt seem to be enough rough coats and their characters are amazing.

We then found a male from another very helpful registered breeder and he helped me make OPAL in 2020 a gorgeous young lady.

We were then

lucky enough to find a stunning male rough coat from a special registered breeder in Kellyville and they now had a husband.

Then the girls produced another litter and I fell in love with a girl from each litter.

PEARL born 2021 AND PHEONIX born 2022.

Now they needed a husband, so I started looking for another male rough coat.

Early 2022 I finally found THOR so now our family is complete.

Lots of Agility, Farm Life and Fun.

Best dogs in the world.


New litter 11th of Janary 2025 Pearl and Thor.


One boy still available.


Opal and Thor have mated and their litter is due early April 2025.


Call for more information anytime on 0405296536


If you have some free time i would love to know why you love JRT'S and what is your most favourite trait in the visitor section. Let me know why you love them and I will use the information to excite other people into this incredible breed.

Have a great day.


Contact Details

Kathy Rainford
Lower Portland, NSW, Australia
Phone : 0405 296 536
Email : [email protected]

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